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Workplace management

Welcome to next level flexibility and collaboration in the workplace

Powerful new ways to book your meeting rooms or desk areas, communicate with digital signage, manage your visitor sign-in and space occupancy sensing to optimise your workspace utilisation

Kick start savings with better workplace management

With office space accounting for the second highest operational cost after salaries, under-utilised workspace can cost a fortune. Accurately measure the workspace to build a holistic view of your individual office utilisation profiles, and identify the amount and type of workspace that is optimal to run your business.

Request a consultation
  1. Meeting room booking solutions
    Avoid meeting room chaos and maximise your space with innovative meeting room booking solutions. Manage meeting rooms, visitors, hospitality, services and video conferences across multiple locations and time zones from one place. Streamline room booking processes and reduce operating costs
  2. Digital signage and kiosks
    Choose from a variety of integrated meeting room and desk based screens to make it easy to find and book a space on the fly. Features include: at a glance room availability, way finding and no-show controls. Our solution enables you to maximise the utilisation of your workplace and get greater control of your organisation’s physical space
  3. Desk booking solution
    Enjoy a more flexible and dynamic work environment using our Desk Booking Solution. Ricoh enables you to seamlessly manage your desk areas for employees and visitors, supporting better collaboration and activity based work styles
  4. Occupancy sensing
    Our wireless sensors monitor and measure your real-time workspace utilisation status, and provide the comprehensive data and reporting you need to manage and improve your workspace
  5. Visitor management
    A simple way to manage visitors, contractors and employees signing in and out of your sites