Protect your business, your customers and your reputation against cyber crime and data breaches

Your network, user, and email security protect more than just your operations. They protect all those that interact with business too, from customers to suppliers.

And last, but definitely not least, they protect your reputation and how much you’re trusted by those you interact with. With the recent changes to cybersecurity law in NZ breaches will very quickly become public knowledge.

And cybersecurity involves more than defense against cyber criminals and hackers. Even disgruntled employees pose a cybersecurity risk.

To address all these threats, you need constant vigilance. And a strategic cybersecurity plan designed to meet your business’ unique security and compliance demands. Our cybersecurity services can support you with design and implementation, fully managed security services, and identity management.

An amazing 51.9% of enterprises surveyed were breached up to 5 times over a 12-month period.1

Protect against leading causes of data breaches

There are 3 key areas where comprises to authenticity or security are most likely to occur

  • Email
    Email is the highest technology risk and most commonly comprimised. From malicious links to embedded content there are a multtude of ways for your business to impacted
  • Identity
    Identity governance is the starting point for successfully managing risk. Understanding, documenting and enforcing the requirements for access to information for your users provides you with the ability to monitor authorised use.
  • User
    The user is high risk endpoint; through manipulation, situational-unawareness, malicious intent or just plain error. Education, process and device management are key ways to reduce this risk

Customer Story:

Secure and Simple Collaboration


  • Simplified Communications
  • Easy file sharing
  • Secure cloud storage
  • Efficient Task Management

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Neutralise cyber threats with our Managed Security Service

Today’s digital workplace provides a massive boost to availability and productivity for employees, but with remote network access, cloud applications, mobile devices and remote users your risk of exposure is also great.

Our Managed Security Service protects, monitors, and when necessary remediates, so you can work without worry. Our solution features:

Book a Security Assessment today


1“2016 Cyberthreat Defense Report.” CyberEdge Group. 2016.