Ricoh Security Assessment

Does your business need to improve cyber security? Find out with our 77 point check

High-profile data breaches have become an uncomfortably common part of life in recent years. And while reporting focuses on the enterprise breaches, in reality, over half the breach victims are small to medium businesses.

The holes in your security where breaches are made are usually completely unknown until after the attack. So how can you identify those areas and remedy the vulnerability before it’s too late?

With our security audit our engineers will analyse your organisation’s security posture, looking at a wide array of risks from technology to process. Our assessment software is installed on your premises, gathering security information about workstations, servers, network infrastructure, applications and other devices and then uploaded for analysis. The typical report can include:

  • Network security -network and Wifi
  • Web security or Online security
  • Email security
  • Identity security
  • Software running in your business
  • Microsoft Windows security for your Servers, Laptops and desktops
  • Cloud service

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What are the impacts of cyber attacks?

For years, the defence against cyber-attacks has been to enclose all your data and devices within an impenetrable wall. When all your online activity took place in one central location, this was an effective practice.

However, the digital estate of the modern business is no longer centralised. Your employees and partners expect to be able to access your organisation from anywhere, without affecting productivity.

  • 50%

    of breaches affect Small to Medium Businesses

  • $120,000

    The average cost of a breach for SMBs

  • 80%

    of businesses that have sustained attack don't recover

While your users experience is driving your online availability it is also driving more risk to the security of your network.

Keeping up with the new areas of vulnerability can be hard as new technology is introduced. Our Security Assessment is designed to find those vulnerabilities for you. It can be run once as a option to review your network and identify changes or on a regularly basis to continually secure your environments against breaches.

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Book your Assessment

Start the process of finding out where you hidden vulnerabilities lie by getting in touch to book your security assessment.