Microsoft 365 Security Assessment

Is your Microsoft 365 environment secure?

The last couple of years have added momentum to digital acceleration for many companies. From a hybrid workforce to a stronger focus on online customer experience, businesses are dealing with much more data traffic and access points than ever before.

Securing your environment is vital to protecting the operation and reputation of your business. Your highest risk areas are those with the most interaction from your users so your Microsoft 365 environment is a great place to begin addressing your wider security posture. Our detailed assessment will highlight areas of risk with proposed paths to remediation.

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Ricoh Microsoft Cloud Security Assessment for your business

Having the right tools and a trusted partner to implement your security goals can be highly beneficial. Ricoh Microsoft 365 Cloud Security Assessment can help your business manage and assess risk across your entire Microsoft 365 deployment including those services which you use every day – Teams, Outlook Email, SharePoint and OneDrive.

Ricoh Microsoft 365 Cloud Security Assessment combines automated data collection with a structured framework for documenting purposes. At the end of the assessment, you will receive a comprehensive report that can help identify your organisation’s security position, the privacy of your data and best practice recommendations.

Benefits of the Ricoh Microsoft Cloud Security Assessment

There are several benefits of having the information organised from the Ricoh Microsoft Cloud Assessment at your fingertips. The key benefits include:

  • A bird’s eye view of your current cloud posture
  • Insights for risk analysis – reports to help control the flow, privacy and security of your organisation’s data
  • Identify problem-causing misconfigurations in your Microsoft Cloud environment
  • Avoid potential HR issues caused on Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive related to employee onboarding or exit
  • Guidance from Ricoh to help you succeed – Utilise Microsoft and Ricoh best practice recommendations to increase your security baseline which is essential before migrating your data to the cloud

Key Objectives

Our Security Assessment solution will deliver the following for your business:

  • 1
    Complete Microsoft Cloud Assessment
  • 2
    Identify missing security controls in your Microsoft ecosystem
  • 3
    Recommend remediation to mitigate the identified risks

Book your Assessment

Sign up for a free Ricoh Microsoft Cloud Security Assessment by filling the form below. You can also access great insights about cybersecurity for free by downloading our eBook: 7 ways to protect the modern workplace from cyber threats